Interior design is most often thought of as a visual art. An art that involves creating a room or a visually appealing space. However, designers create spaces that are much more than just visually appealing. Interior designers also aim to create spaces that function...
Kitchen Design
5 Reasons To Hire An Interior Design When Building A New Home
When you decide to build a new home, it can be very exciting. The ability to customize your living space by building exactly what you want is something that many people look forward to. However, a few weeks into the process, you’ll realize that there’s a lot more to...
3 Times We Wanted Our Kitchen Backsplash Design To Steal The Show
When designing a kitchen, there are so many details to consider. Design ideas and design details can all be beautiful on their own, but not all design details work well together. When designing a space, I have to decide what areas will be focal points and which areas...
5 Times That The Best Answer Was To Take Down The Walls.
Many times when you’re renovating a room, you have to consider the amount of space that you have in the existing room and whether or not you can make the necessary improvements in the existing space. Many times there’s so much that you can do with the original space...
6 Fireplace Transformations That I Loved Designing!
Over the years, I have transformed hundreds of fireplaces as part of many of our design and renovation projects. These have ranged from making minor design tweaks to complete redesigns. A fireplace is often a focal point in a room. If it is not, it should be. Too...
How A Designer Creates A Space That Feels Like YOU!
Have you ever dreamt about what a luxury it would be to have an interior designer design your home for you? Do you walk in at the end of the finished design project only to find that, amazingly, the space fits you like a glove? Are you surprised to see items from your...
3 Steps To Ensure The Success Of Your Design Projects
Three steps to ensure the success of your design projects. In my twenty-plus years in business within the interior design and renovation industry, I have seen a lot of different business models. Therefore, it can be difficult for homeowners to understand the process...
Designing A Vacation Home
Designing a vacation home can be very exciting! However, challenges often arise as this property might be used differently than your main residence. The home might be used at certain times of the year, used by several people, and you might not be bringing existing...
You May Want to Hire An Interior Designer If . . .
Reasons for hiring an interior designer run the gamut, but if you agree with one or more of these four simple statements, it may be the right choice for you: 1. You value hiring professionals for home projects. Just like a landscaping project or a deck addition,...
Should I do a Full Kitchen Renovation, or Can I Just do a Partial Renovation?
Kitchen renovation- Should I do a full kitchen renovation, or can I just do a partial renovation? That depends. Many clients come to me with thoughts of doing just a partial kitchen renovation in an effort to retain elements of their old kitchen or to try to conserve...